Market / Global ethanol market
Global ethanol market

The demand for liquid fuels for transport is expected to increase substantially in the coming decades:

  • the passenger vehicle fleet is expected to grow 2-fold by 2030 and 4-fold by 2050
  • despite an expected reduction in the consumption of liquid fuels is expected, due to the emergence of electric cars and NGV (natural gas vehicles), even though 93% of the vehicle fleet in 2030 will still use, in whole or in part, liquid fuels

Ethanol is currently a major component of the gasoline market:

  • the global demand for ethanol as fuel amounts to approx. 75 million tons/year
  • more than half of this market is in the United States and another third in Brazil

In the coming decades, the demand for ethanol as fuel is deemed to grow significantly, due to a combination of factors:

  • an increased demand for liquid fuels, the need to find alternative energy sources to oil and the development of the rural economy

Second-generation (cellulosic) ethanol is the option preferred by consumers and legislators:

  • no food / fuel competition and lower emissions